Truck Mount Water Hardness Test
Product Highlights
- Hard water test kit
- Pack with two rolls of test paper
- 0-20 grains per gallon
- 10-50 grains per gallon
- Collar chart on each roll
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Product Description
The Hydrion Water Hardness Test Kit is packed with two rolls of test papers and two specially calibrated color charts. One roll measures between 0-20 grains per gallon of calcium carbonate. The second roll measures from 10-50 grains per gallon.
The color chart has color matches at 0-5-10-20 grains per gallon. A reading of 5 grains per gallon indicates moderately hard water. The second roll of test paper has color chart matches at 10-20-30-50 grains per gallon and is used for testing known hard water sources.
Technical Specifications
Primary Stock Status | Managed Inventory Parts |
Brand | Provided by Jon-Don |
Category | Water Softeners, Water Tanks |
Condition | New |

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