Seymour Midwest SureSpikes™ Spiked Shoes
Product Highlights
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Product Description
A true "one size fits all", SureSpikes™ spiked shoes are made of polypropylene for a flexible yet snug fit. The shoes feature 1-inch hardened steel spikes and nyloc nuts that improve durability, leading to long lasting sharp spikes.
Angled spikes provide more stability and decrease the chances of slipping and falling.
Flexible living hinge provides comfort and flexibility, while tug & snug rubber straps are quick, easy, and efficient when compared to cloth straps and buckles.
Technical Specifications
Primary Stock Status | Managed Inventory Standard |
Size | One Size Fits All |
Category | Spiked Shoes |
Brand | Seymour Midwest |
Spike Length (in) | 1 |
Condition | New |
Manufacturer Model Number | 46195 |

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