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ODORx Tabac‑Attack Tobacco Odor Decontaminant

ODORx Tabac‑Attack Tobacco Odor Decontaminant (1 GL)
SKU#: US-TA-01 MFR#: 113511
ODORx Tabac‑Attack Tobacco Odor Decontaminant (4 GL)
SKU#: US-TA-04 MFR#: 113511

Product Highlights

Tabac-Attack works at the molecular level to neutralize and permanently deodorize materials affected by tobacco odors. Tabac-Attack can be used on hard or soft surfaces.
  • Dilutes 1 to 2 ounces per gallon of water
  • pH: 5.2
  • Remove tobacco odors permanently
  • Additive to wall, upholstery, and carpet cleaning solutions
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Product Description

Tabac-Attack works at the molecular level to neutralize and permanently deodorize materials affected by tobacco odors.


Tabac-Attack can be used on hard or soft surfaces.


Tobacco odors result from the accumulation of sticky tobacco residues on interior building surfaces. Residues from burning tobacco products form films that continually release malodors. These residues have a cumulative effect. Heavy smoking over a long period of time causes stubborn and severe tobacco-related smoke odor. As these residues are exposed to light, warmth, and moisture, they continue to oxidize and degrade due to bacterial action. As a result the odor becomes progressively worse.


Tabac-Attack consists of water-soluble solvents and odor-controlling essential oils. The solvents act as evaporative control agents, and the essential oils instantly counteract tobacco-related smoke odors. Tabac-Attack provides lasting odor control on treated surfaces.


For best results, use Tabac-Attack in conjunction with Thermo-55 Tabac-Attack and apply with a thermal fogging procedure.


Tabac-Attack is sold as a concentrate and is diluted with water during application. Tabac-Attack can be applied as a standalone deodorizer and can also act as an additive in various cleaning solutions.

Technical Specifications

Material Carpet|Upholstery|Walls
Category Deodorizers, Fire and Smoke Odor Control Chemicals
pH 5.2
Brand ProRestore
Application Method Mop, Solution Additive, Spray, Wipe
Chemical Type Water Based
Type Liquid
Condition New
Scent Menthol


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