Soda and Soft Drink Removal from Carpet


Soda and Soft Drink Removal

Soda and soft drinks spilled on carpet can be complicated spots to treat due to the presence of sugars and tannin dyes. The advanced method of cleaning soda includes sodas that have a colored dye added to them.


Basic Method

  1. Apply Matrix Release undiluted. Tamp and blot with a spotting brush and spotting towel.
  2. Apply Matrix Target Tannin Stain Remover undiluted. Tamp and blot with a spotting brush and spotting towel.
  3. Apply Matrix Spot Out undiluted. Tamp and blot with a spotting brush and spotting towel.
  4. Rinse area thoroughly with water.


Advanced Method

  1. Follow all the steps of the basic method.
  2. Apply Matrix Red Be Gone mixed at equal parts of solution A & B.
  3. Perform a heat transfer by applying a damp spotting towel to treated area, and then place an iron set at the lowest steam setting on the towel. Check towel every 15 seconds for transfer. Be careful not to transfer carpet dye onto the towel.
  4. Rinse area thoroughly with water.


Warning and Cautions: Always test material for colorfastness, follow label directions, and never mix product unless specified in the label directions. Each situation reacts differently and results may vary.  

Nylon Spotting Brush
Braun Brush Co. SKU# CA-NSB-EA
This 10-inch-long spotting brush features short, stiff white nylon bristles that stand up well against daily tamping and brushing activities. Use this brush for agitating spotting solutions for thorough cleaning performance.
Matrix® Release
Matrix SKU# MX-R...
A highly effective pre-spray for heavily soiled, greasy traffic lanes, Release also makes an excellent general-purpose spotter that may be mixed with solvents or water.

Starting at $12.22

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Matrix® Spot Out Spotter
Matrix SKU# MX-SO...
Spot Out is a water-based spotter that removes even the most stubborn oil- and water-based stains fast so you can get on with your cleaning. It's our most popular all-purpose carpet spotter because it works—FAST!

Starting at $9.19

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Matrix® Target Tannin Stain Remover
Matrix SKU# MX-TTSR...
Target is ideal for removing alkalines and tannin stains, such as coffee, tea, urine, perfume, and others. This acid-side spotter can also be used for correcting browning, dye reversal, and setting fugitive dyes. It is also excellent for removing ice melt residue.

Starting at $13.59

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Matrix® Red Be Gone
Matrix SKU# MX-RBG...
Red Be Gone has a unique chemistry that removes food dye stains by chemically altering their color to make them invisible.

Starting at $22.61

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