Restoration of Vinyl Siding Damaged by Soot

Soot on vinyl siding can permanently alter the color of the siding, so the siding may need to be replaced. Test clean areas of heaviest damage first to determine if cleaning is even possible.

Recommended Procedure

  1. Using a pressure washer, spray the siding with a mild degreaser.
  2. Rinse well.
  3. Hand clean the siding, being careful to not use a brush that will further damage the siding. You can try the following options to clean the siding:
    1. Automotive Polishing Compound
    2. Automotive Rubbing Compound
    3. Plastic Resin Cleaner (Patio Furniture Cleaner)

Benefect Botanical Atomic Degreaser
Benefect SKU# OE-BFS...
Atomic Degreaser is a solvent-free, high-performance botanical degreaser and cleaner concentrate formulated to remove particulate at the atomic level with minimal agitation.

Starting at $42.08

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