Moderate Smoke Odor

Most kitchen fires fall into the category of moderate smoke odor.  The characteristic of moderate smoke odor are:

  • Soot residue appears on horizontal as well as vertical surfaces
  • Cleaning and redecorating of the area where the fire took place will be required
  • Structural damage may be visible but will be confined to one room
  • Soot damage will be found outside the room in which the fire took place
  • A high probability of HVAC contamination
  • Soot will be deposited over a wide area

This procedure guide is just for the odor removal, not the cleaning of the area.

Basic Procedure:

  1. Remove the source of the odor if possible.
  2. If an investigation needs to be completed, cover the source with plastic to limit further off-gassing of odor-causing vapors.
  3. Mix your smoke odor counteractant and apply to source of the odor. As you get further from the source you should be able to apply more lightly.  Ensure you apply to all vertical and horizontal areas affected.
  4. Apply a passive odor counteractant (gels or crystals) to the affected areas. It is recommended to place a passive odor counteractant in the furnace plenum.
  5. Apply a granular odor counteractant to attic insulation.
  6. Clean all areas.
  7. Thermal fog the area, using the right scent for your application:
    1. Electrical and plastic fires - Kentucky Bluegrass
    2. Protein fires - Citrus/Lemon
    3. Natural fires - Neutral (Unscented)
    4. Combination or aggressive odors - Cherry
  8. If needed you can seal affected areas with a shellac-based primer.
ODORx 9‑D‑9 Smoke Odor Counteractant
ProRestore SKU# US-9D9...
9-D-9 is a general-purpose smoke odor counteractant specially formulated to manage fire, smoke, and other strong odors. Blended with the finest-quality ingredients, 9-D-9 helps to detoxify and knock down malodors quickly and efficiently.

Starting at $111.56

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ODORx Thermo‑55 Kentucky Bluegrass Scent
ProRestore SKU# US-T55BG...
Thermo-55 is a solvent-based, heat-activated odor counteractant specially formulated for application using a thermal fogging apparatus.

Starting at $406.00

Ships Direct From Manufacturer.
ODORx Thermo‑55 Neutral Scent (Unscented)
ProRestore SKU# US-T55N...
Thermo-55 is a solvent-based, heat-activated odor counteractant specially formulated for application using a thermal fogging apparatus. This unscented formulation is ideal for treating odors from natural fires.

Starting at $96.86

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Fresh Wave IAQ Gel
Fresh Wave SKU# FW-G...
Airborne odors don't stand a chance with Fresh Wave IAQ gel. This amazing compound works around the clock to provide 24/7 odor elimination. Simply set it out in a room and let ambient airflow do the work for you!

Starting at $210.97

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HEPA 1000 Air Scrubber
Provided by Jon-Don SKU# OE-HEPA1000-EA
The HEPA 1000 Air Scrubber features a unique design that delivers an impressive 1,000 CFM of clean, HEPA-filtered air. This unit is so powerful, it can achieve four (4) air exchanges in a 1,850-square-foot basement with 8-foot ceilings! Boost your rental income by as much as 70%
SKU UnavailableNo Longer in Stock
Dri‑Eaz Activated Carbon Filter, 14" x 15" x 1"
Dri-Eaz SKU# DP-F485...
This 1" Activated Carbon Filter fits the HEPA 1000 Air Scrubber. When using this filter you will need to exchange your standard 2" pleated filter for the 1" pleated filter.

Starting at $64.29

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