Finishing Trowel with Curved Wood Handle, 14 x 3 Inches
Product Highlights
- Curved wood handle
- Highest grade hardened and tempered spring steel blade
- Use it after floating to produce a smooth, hard, dense slab surface
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Product Description
This finishing trowel features a curved wood handle and the highest grade hardened and tempered spring steel blade. It is very lightweight, but also very strong. Use it after floating to produce a smooth, hard, dense slab surface.
The beveled work edges on this trowel prevent surface aggregate popping.
This trowel will not rust or stain concrete surfaces.
Trowel measures 14" x 3".
Technical Specifications
Primary Stock Status | Managed Inventory Standard |
Brand | Marshalltown |
Category | Finishing Trowels |
Condition | new |

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