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Extech MO300 Pinless Moisture Meter with Bluetooth®


Product Highlights

The Extech MO300 makes documenting your restoration jobs fast and easy thanks to Bluetooth® connectivity. It can transmit data—moisture, humidity, temperature, grains per pound (GPP), vapor pressure, and dew point—straight to your Android mobile device for remote viewing.
  • Measures moisture up to 0.75" below surface
  • Large backlit display with easy-to-read values
  • Designed with an IR circuit; calculates condensation point
  • Comes with MO290-P pin probe for contact measurements
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Product Description

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The Extech MO300 makes documenting your restoration jobs fast and easy thanks to Bluetooth® connectivity. It can transmit data—moisture, humidity, temperature, grains per pound (GPP), vapor pressure, and dew point—straight to your Android mobile device for remote viewing.


This pinless meter can detect moisture up to a depth of 0.75” (19mm) below the surface. It quickly indicates the moisture content of multiple wood types and other building materials without damaging the material. A remote pin moisture probe (MO290-P) is included for when contact measurements are needed.


The MO300 is designed with an IR circuit to measure non-contact surface temperature. This meter will also automatically calculate differential temperature (IR – DP) to determine the condensation point up to 30 feet (10m) away.


With the MO300, you can manually store/recall up to 20 labeled readings. When using the free Android app, you can log up to 50,000 readings!


The large dual display is easy to read, so you never have to squint to see the data. The display is also backlit, so you can view captured readings even in dark or poorly lit areas.


The MO300 features programmable high/low moisture and humidity alarms, which alert the user when pre-selected thresholds are met. It also offers min/max settings, data hold, and auto power off to conserve battery life.



  • MO300
  • MO290-P pin moisture probe
  • 3-ft cable
  • 9V battery
  • Pouch case


Technical Specifications

Primary Stock Status Obsolete
Category Moisture Meters, Thermo-Hygrometer
Brand Extech
Condition new


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