FallTech Tradesman+ Full Body Harness, Small/Medium
Product Highlights
<li>Full body, belted</li>
<li>ANSI: 310 lbs; OSHA: 425 lbs</li>
<li>Tensile strength: min. 5,000lbs</li>
<li>Polyester webbing; Plated Alloy Steel D-rings/buckles</li>
<li>5 points of adjustment</li>
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Product Description
Tradesman Plus harnesses incorporate nearly 20 years of end-user acceptance for performance and reliability. Serviceable functionality and trusted quality are enhanced with added features while not imposing a premium expense. Integrated dorsal SRL sleeve, Visi-lock quick-connect chest buckles, tri-layer padded shoulder yoke, reinforced waist pad, and low-profile spring-tension torso adjusters are all standard on Tradesman Plus harnesses.
ANSI Z359.11-2014. ANSI max user capacity is 310lbs. OSHA 1926.502 and 1910.66. OSHA max capacity is 425 lbs.
Technical Specifications
Category | Shock Absorbing Lanyards |
Brand | FallTech |
Condition | New |
Manufacturer Model Number | 7078BSM |

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