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Delmhorst Navigator 2‑in‑1 Moisture Meter With PC Kit


Product Highlights

The Navigator, a new offering from Delmhorst , is a two-in-one model that integrates pin and pinless moisture measurements into one fully-featured moisture meter.
  • Two-in-one meter (Penerating and Non-Penetrating)
  • Download/Logging Capabilities
  • Job grouping, customizable auto-shutoff and more
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Product Description

The Navigator is a two-in-one moisture meter that integrates pin and pinless technologies in a single meter. Features include job grouping, infrared linkage to a PC or laptop, customizable auto-shutoff and more.

The Navigator may be used either as a BASIC meter, allowing the user to take readings in either the scan or pin mode, without having to set-up a job definition. Though BASIC mode does not allow for data collection, it is the power-up default. When using the Navigator in ENHANCED mode, the user is required to set job definitions and materials for each location. It also stores readings in ENHANCED mode for on-screen reading, recall or download to a PC.



• Two-in-one meter

• On-Screen reading recall of up to 1400 stored readings

• Date and Time Stamp for each stored reading

• Over 30 defined location options

• Floor, wall, and ceiling designations for each defined location.

• Connector for external electrodes

• Infrared linkage and software application


Pin Mode:

• 5-60% wood scale

• 0.1%-6% sheetrock scale

          • 0.1%-6% sheetrock scale 

          • Corrects for numerous wood and wall materials, to include:

          • Sheetrock

          • SPF

          • Maple

          • Plywood

          • Particle Board

          • Douglas Fir

          • Plaster

          • Oak

          • Birch

          • OSB

          • Concrete

          • Gypcrete

          • Corrects for material temperature range of 0-255 Degrees F


Scan Mode

          •0–200 numerical reference scale



• Delmhorst Navigator 2-in-1 Meter

• 21E (Deep Wall/Insulation) Electrode

• 9-Volt Battery

• Infrared PC Kit w/Software (Requires Microsoft Excel)

• Carrying Case


Navigator Quick Reference Guide


Non-Invasive Mode (Basic)


1. Press and hold center button until unit turns on.

2. If unit is not in basic mode, using arrow buttons scroll to Number 8 and push center button.

3. Scroll to Number 1 (Scan Mode) and push center button.

4. Hold unit on side of handle place flat on surface to be tested.

5. To hold reading, push center button (to release hold function push center button again).



Invasive (Pin) Mode (Basic)


1. Remove cover and install pins as needed (Slide Hammer, 2E, 21E Electrodes).

2. Press and hold center button until unit turns on.

3. If unit is not in basic mode, using buttons scroll to Number 8 and push center button.

4. Scroll to Number 2 (Pin Mode) and push center button.

5. Using arrow buttons, scroll to material (top of left column on bottom of screen), push center button.

6. Using keypad scroll to material to be tested and push center button. If unsure what type of wood is being tested, use DOUGFIR.

7. If audible alarm is desired, using keypad, scroll to alarm (below materials) and press center button. Push center button again to turn alarm on. Push bottom to done and press center button.

8. Put needles into material to be tested to find the MC%.

9. Push center button to activate meter.

10. To hold reading, push center button (to release hold function push center button again).

Thermo-Hygrometer Mode (Pro Only)


1. Attach Hygrostick into top of unit.

2. Using arrow buttons scroll to “RH-T.”

3. Push center button.


Enhanced Mode


1. Scroll to “Job Def” and push center button.

2. Using right button, scroll to assigned job (1 to 5) and push center button.

3. Using down button, scroll to “Done” and push center button.

4. Assign job type and push center button.

5. Assign ID (Day) and push center button.

6. Assign Material Temp (70 degrees if unknown).

7. Assign Location Definitions.

a. Using down arrows, scroll to rooms to be tested using left/right arrows assign rooms.

8. When done, scroll to “Done” and press center button.

9. Scroll to “Done” and press center button.

10. Choose either scan or invasive and press center button.

11. Use down scroll button and go to “Loc:” and press center button.

12. Using right button, go to location to be tested.

13. Go to “Done” and press center button.

14. Take reading as in earlier instructions.

15. Press the center button to store the reading.

16. Repeat instructions from #10 until all readings are stored.




1. You must have Microsoft Excel to use the IR Link Software.

2. Install the software and IR Link as per the instruction manual.

3. Place the Navigator with the Infrared Eye pointed towards the Eye on the IR Link

4. Using buttons, scroll to “7. IR Link” and press center button.


Do not touch until linking is completed

Technical Specifications

Hazmat Yes
Primary Stock Status Obsolete
Brand Delmhorst
Category Combination\Kit
Condition new

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