Coval Primer
Product Highlights
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Product Description
Coval Primer is a fast-drying, acetone-based acrylate sealer designed as the base coat to Coval Concrete. The porosity on the surface of concrete can vary from one area to another. For this reason, we recommend using Coval Primer to seal the concrete so that when the Coval Concrete is applied, it will have a uniform consistency. It will also reduce the amount of Coval Concrete used because you are not losing material that is seeping into the surface pores. You can add a stain into the primer if you are looking for a colored finish. Contact Coval for recommendations on the type of stain we recommend.
Recommended Uses:
- Precast concrete walls & structures
- Polished concrete
- Masonry pavers
- Bricks
- Cement block
- Driveways
- Paths
- Cement overlays
Important Specifications:
- Color: Clear to slight amber to rose (depending on temp and humidity) - always dries clear
- Finish: Enhancing
- Type: Solvent Base
- Flash Point: (C Penskey-Martens closed cup) -20C/-4F CC VOC: <20 g/ltr
- Dry Time: 10-20 minutes
Breathable: Yes (Drying Time at 77 Deg F & 50% Relative Humidity
Application Types
WARNING: Do not use on painted surfaces.
Only use an acetone proof pump sprayer and chemical resistant hoses.
Spraying: Stir the sealer thoroughly in the container to re-suspend the particles that have settled to the bottom. Make certain to re-stir every 15-20 minutes during the application process to ensure proper performance. This sealer contains acetone to accelerate the dry time. Be sure to keep lid on the container to prevent evaporation.
Coval Primer is best applied with an acetone/alcohol proof pump sprayer fitted with a red fan tip. To apply, hold the fan tip square to the surface being sealed at approximately 10” to 12” above the surface. In a circular motion spray with a light mist. Apply several light coats approximately 2 – 3 minutes apart until the desired look is achieved and the surface is sealed. Extremely porous surfaces may require 3 to 4 applications or more to seal and enhance. Do not try to seal the surface in one thick coat as this will cause air bubbles to appear.
NOTE: When spraying outdoors, make certain there will be no rain for at least 5 minutes after anticipated completion time. If there is high wind, this will affect the quality of the finish as blowing wind can disrupt the spray pattern from the sprayer and contribute to contamination of the finish. It may be necessary to erect a windscreen to protect the area prior to beginning the coating application.
CAUTION: If using a spray application method in an enclosed space, make certain to tent off the area being sprayed with plastic tarps to avoid spray dust from traveling and contaminating other surfaces with over spray dust. Tented and enclosed areas always require to be positively supplied with fresh air and have ventilated exhaust to outside using fans. Never spray near any open flame or any possible source of ignition such as pilot light, or anything that may spark, as this may cause ignition and explosion of the fumes and vapors. (In enclosed areas, make sure to have an observer watching the applicator for any signs of physical distress.)
Rolling: Make certain the surface is clean per preparation instructions. Stir the contents thoroughly to re-suspend the particles that have settled to the bottom. Make certain to re-stir every 15-20 minutes during the application process to re-suspend the particles. Use a white, ultra-smooth high-density foam roller (available at most major home improvement stores), pour the Coval Primer into a roller tray, and completely saturate the roller. Apply in a cross-pattern; left to right, then up and down as quickly as possible, since the coating dries fast.
To obtain the best results, do not overwork the coating, as it dries quickly. Do not bear down with the roller. Use light strokes and use the tip of the roller to smooth out the coating.
If applying Coval Primer in an enclosed area, make sure to have an observer watching the applicator for any signs of physical distress.
Brushing: Make certain the surface is clean per preparation instructions. Stir the contents thoroughly to re-suspend the particles that have settled to the bottom. Make certain to re-stir every 15-20 minutes during the application process Page 3 of 5 to re-suspend the particles. Select the appropriate size brush width based on the surface area being coated. Using only a good quality China bristle brush, apply in a cross-pattern; up and down, then left and right.
To obtain the best results, do not overwork the coating, as it dries quickly. Do not bear down with the brush. Use light strokes using the tip of the brush to smooth out the coating.
If applying Concrete Primer in an enclosed area, make sure to have an observer watching the applicator for any signs of physical distress.
Coverage will vary depending on the porosity and texture of the substrate and applicator, see full Coval Primer Data Sheet for breakdown.
Drying Time: (@ 77 F, 50% RH): Temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent; the higher the humidity, the faster the dry time.
Touch: 1-2 Minutes
Through: 5 Minutes
Walk on (over Coval Concrete): 5 minutes
Full Cure: 5 Minutes
Clean Up: Clean tools and flush equipment with acetone at least twice immediately after application. IMPORTANT - once the coating is dry the tools will not clean up with acetone or any other solvent.
Technical Specifications
Category | Resinous Coatings |
Brand | Coval |
Condition | New |
Manufacturer Model Number | PRM-1, PRM-5 |

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