Using Resinous Coating for Concrete Floors

Using resinous coating, also known as an epoxy floor coating, is an excellent choice for promoting a cleaner, more hygienic environment in a wide variety of commercial, residential, industrial, warehouse, and retail spaces. Resinous floor coatings bond to concrete floors, eliminating cracks and crevices where dirt and germs can hide. These floors are easier to clean compared to other types, and depending on the products and materials you use, some even have antimicrobial properties that limit the growth of germs and pathogens. In a post-pandemic world, finding the best floor epoxy to create as clean and healthy an environment as possible is crucial.

At Jon-Don, we stock a variety of resinous floor coatings. These epoxy floor coatings also provide seamless moisture mitigation systems for concrete surfaces, keeping your floors protected and in top shape for quite some time to come. The best part is that this hygienic flooring option is suitable for a wide variety of environments. No matter what type of business you own or operate, or what industry your clients work in, resinous floor coatings present a great solution. They're easy to clean and maintain, and Jon-Don has everything you need to install these flooring systems in any facility.

What Are Resinous Floor Coatings?

Resinous floor coatings are another name for epoxy floor coatings. A resin is mixed with a hardening chemical and applied on top of concrete floors after they are prepped. The result is a hard, durable surface that forms over the top of the concrete. Resinous floor coatings are usually applied in several layers, some of which can be re-coated in as little as 3–5 hours.

What Industries Can Use Resinous Floor Coatings?

The great thing about epoxy floor coatings is that they are extremely versatile. They are increasing in popularity and are often found in environments such as hospitals, schools, industrial spaces, and more. Epoxy floors can even be used in residential homes, restaurants, showrooms, and just about everywhere else. They present very few limitations and are neutral enough to fit with a variety of design aesthetics.

Epoxy floor coatings are often seen in spaces including:

  • Sports stadiums
  • Gyms and fitness areas
  • Shopping malls and retail spaces
  • Assisted living facilities and nursing homes
  • Doctor's offices
  • Daycares
  • Hotel lobbies
  • Office buildings
  • Restrooms
  • Cafeterias
  • Factories and warehouses
  • Garages and storage spaces
  • And more

The uses for epoxy floor coatings are virtually endless. If you're wondering if applying a resinous floor coating to a concrete floor may be the best option for your business, there are several advantages and benefits to consider.

The Benefits of Resinous Floor Coatings

When considering the use of epoxy floors, there are many reasons that contractors and business owners choose to go this route.

1. Cleanliness and Sanitation

Epoxy floors are easy to clean and can be resistant to germs and bacteria. Additionally, they don't require frequent maintenance aside from sweeping and mopping. Resinous floor coatings seal out moisture, eliminate cracks and crevices that can trap germs, and they are resistant to a variety of substances that can damage other flooring types.

Resinous floors are resistant to grease and oil, making them ideal for use in industrial settings, such as garages and warehouses. Bleach and disinfectant agents won't stain or strip the floors of their color either, making them the floor system of choice for many organizations.

2. Durability

In addition to being easy to clean and resistant to germs and damaging substances, resinous floor coatings make concrete floors extremely durable. The coating is also generally heat resistant. This is ideal for high-traffic spaces, such as schools and retail environments, and means that organizations can go quite a while without having to worry about renovating or replacing their floors. In the long-run, this can save quite a bit of money.

Concrete floors with resinous coatings do not present the same problems as carpet or tile floors, for example. Carpeted floors require frequent interim and deep cleanings to maintain a fresh appearance, which can impede business functions and be costly over time. Even with the best care and routine maintenance, carpet can fray and fade, and eventually requires replacement. Tile floors require routine maintenance as well, from sealing/re-finishing to grout care, and the often difficult task of replacing damaged tiles. This is not the case when you install concrete floors with epoxy coatings. Many spaces get decades of use out of concrete floors with this type of flooring system.

3. Style and Versatility

When you hear the term "concrete floor" you may envision a bland, dull, gray surface. However, with modern resinous floor coatings, this is no longer the case. You can apply epoxy coatings that are high-gloss and high-shine, which give spaces a modern and sleek appearance. Additionally, it is possible to mix custom colors of resin and even to create designs in the coating. You can also match concrete floors to virtually any style and design theme.

Concrete floors with resinous coatings can give off nearly any appearance you wish. They can look industrial, professional, high-end, and luxurious, and almost any style in between. You can match the color of your floor to your brand's color scheme or use colors and lines to control traffic flow and improve safety in busy industrial or factory settings.

4. Affordability

Not only are resinous floor coatings hygienic, stylish, and extremely durable, but they are also affordable. Particularly when compared to other options, such as installing custom tile or hardwood floors. When you factor in how durable epoxy floors are, as well as the fact that they are very low maintenance, and the cost savings add up even further. This makes them a clear choice for many businesses.

5. Slip Resistance & Added Safety

Another reason that these types of floors are so popular is that you can add a substance to the resinous coating to make them slip-resistant. If the floors will be going in a restaurant, hospital, retail space, school, assisted living, or childcare facility, this makes them an appealing option. Epoxy floors can reduce the risk of accidents for employees, customers, and visitors, creating a safer environment for everyone.

This may help reduce the number of worker's compensation claims your place of business sees and can help reduce the risk of personal injury lawsuits. Slip and fall accidents are among the most common personal injury claims filed in America, in regard to both worker's compensation and lawsuits. Additionally, concrete floors with resinous coating reflect light directly off the floor, which can improve lighting/visibility, reduce the need for lighting in some areas, and create a brighter, more attractive interior.

6. Customization

Not only can resinous coatings be mixed with color additives and used to create unique designs, but some systems allow you to customize more than just the look. You can control the cure time, or how long the resin takes to set, with certain additives. You can also control the level of gloss and shine the floor will have when the process is complete, and add agents that will make the resinous coating even more durable.

The Jon-Don Difference

If you are considering installing a resinous coating on your floors, or are looking to do so for a client, contact a Jon-Don sales representative today. Jon-Don has a wide variety of epoxy floor coatings in a range of colors, from classic gray to red and many shades in between. Additionally, we stock an accelerator that can help speed up working time.

When you purchase supplies and equipment from Jon-Don, you will receive the industry's best guarantee along with decades of real-world knowledge from our team of experts. With every machine or equipment purchase, your team will receive hands-on, one-on-one training to ensure that you get the most out of everything you buy. We can also help you determine precisely which products to purchase based on the job you are completing, as well as the proper quantity of each item. Shop Jon-Don for all your resinous floor coating needs today.