Preparing Yourself for Pre-Inspections

Preparing Yourself for Pre-Inspections

Preparing Yourself for Pre-Inspections: Four Tips for Cleaning and Restoration Contractors

Written by Steve Toburen

Focus, please, on a key word in my title above: "Pre-Inspections." You'll note I didn't use the much more common word: "estimates." Please, remove this word from your business vocabulary! Here's why:

When you tell a homeowner, "I'll give you an ESTIMATE…" you are reducing the entire process (and yourself) down to one horrid word: PRICE!

Is the cost of a proposed job a valid part of the buying equation? Of course it is! And absolutely, as part of your pre-inspection, you will happily deliver an exact, written work order with all pricing clearly explained upfront.

However, a proper and professional Pre-inspection Process will subtly demonstrate to your prospect that there are much more important elements than price alone to consider in their buying decision.

The Power of "Pre-Inspections" vs "Estimates"

Words are very powerful. They affect your attitude, your self-image, AND your customer's perception of you. This means when performing a pre-inspection, you must NEVER think of yourself as a "salesperson," an "estimator," (YUCK!) or even worse, "Just a humble cleaner!" (Or "Just a "restoration contractor!")

Instead, you are both aprofessionaland aconsultant. As you view yourself, your prospective clients will see you too. You are performing a detailed, professional process, and as such, you deserve respect. (Including from yourself!)

So, while you'll be happy to include a complete written price sheet as part of your Pre-inspection, please don't just "give estimates." With a more professional self-image, you will portray a more confident and competent YOU!

Now, let's explore my top four Pre-inspection Tools, along with tips on how to use them wisely.


A truly professional carpet, tile, or wood floor cleaner wouldn't show up to a client's home without the correct equipment and chemicals. Yet, every day, cleaning (and restoration) contractors show up to a new prospect's home wearing a dirty, torn uniform, carrying only a beat-up tape measure and a dog-eared work order!

John T. Malloy, in his classic sales book, Dress for Success, proved that you should always be at least as well dressed as the people you are selling to. Obviously, your location and market will affect your decisions on attire but consider dressing "conservatively." (No, I'm not talking politics here!)

Regardless of what your prospects say (or what you think), all prospective customers will be subliminally influenced by your dress and grooming. So why not make selling yourself easy (and establish a nice contrast versus your scuzzy-looking competitors) with an upscale, clean-cut image?

Here's the deal: From a sales standpoint, your grooming should match the majority of your customers' appearance. Can you be successful selling to wealthier, upper class homeowners wearing cutoffs, a torn T-shirt, and a ponytail? Of course. You'll just have to work harder! As I often say, "Your business, your decisions, your consequences!"

It's true that you can overcome poor grooming or dress through the sheer force of your no-doubt sparkling personality. But seriously? Life is too short to work that hard. Make it easy on yourself. Instead…

Get the odds on your side! If you're playing poker in Las Vegas, you can win a big pot with two-of-a-kind OR with a full house. Which one would you feel better about having in your hand? Therefore…

For most residential pre-inspections you've got a "full house" when you wear a dress shirt and slacks along with-when the climate allows it-a sports coat. (And of course, I can hear howls of protest rising throughout the land at the thought of wearing a sports coat!)

Here's my cut-to-the-chase with 12 words: You will close more cleaning and restoration prospects if you dress up. The customer will view you as a professional and appreciate that you've shown respect for their home through your attire. So, why not try it for a week?

Of course, sometimes you have no choice but to wear your uniform or work clothes for a quick Pre-inspection. Owner-operator TIP: For a quick change, keep a blazer and dress shirt in your truck, protected with a garbage bag slipped over the hangar.

Your takeaway? At the very least, check your appearance through the eyes of your customer. Rumpled, stained clothing and unkempt grooming (or strong body odor) is always a "Negative Moment of Truth," an instant impression where the customer forms a bad opinion of you. Do this and you'll start waaaaay behind with your prospect!

Your dress and grooming will be a powerful help to influence the customer, but you need even more tools to perform (and close) an effective cleaning or restoration Pre-inspection.


How do you "carry yourself" in the prospect's home? Your posture should be erect, yet relaxed, proud but not arrogant.

Now, you're going to ask your potential customer many questions during your pre-inspection. When they reply, you MUST adopt a "listening posture," intently watching and focusing on the speaker, looking them in the eye, nodding your head and murmuring affirmative signals. "I see," "ah, yes," "I understand," or repeating back key words. These responses show you are listening and that their opinions are important to you.

WARNING: Be very careful about intruding into people's "personal space," which is the distance inside which a person feels subliminally threatened. A good general rule with personal space? If you are close enough to reach out and touch them, you are too close. Back off!

NOTE: This concept of "personal space" is especially important in working with the opposite sex. And this goes double if you are physically large which can come across as threatening, particularly to someone shorter or with a more petite build.

ProTIP: Remember that personal space is not only horizontal but also vertical in nature. In other words, quit looming over your prospects. For example, when reviewing a work order with a seated individual, drop down to their level, maybe on one knee. Then extend their work order or information at arm's length.


Hey, it's tough out there! I know! I spent 20 years running my own cleaning and restoration business. (And another 30 years teaching others in our industry.) So, it's normal for your mind to be going a million miles a minute as you pull up to a new prospect's home! But wait…

Now it's time to shift gears, change your mental posture, and wipe your mind clean! For the next 30 to 60 minutes, nothing is as important for the future of your company as converting this prospect into a Cheerleader customer! (Your efforts here will pay dividends for years to come.)

That means you must FOCUS on this potential customer and their concerns. Sure, you can perform an inspection totally distracted, thinking desperately about your latest business crisis. But it's not fair to your customer, your company, OR your family either! Instead…

Your sensitivity receptors need to be set at their highest level because many times the client will only hint at a buying problem or objection. You mentally ignore the customer at your peril. So, straighten up your mental posture. Focus intently on your potential client and my inspection procedures will be much more effective for you.


Closely related to your mental posture is your emotional posture, your attitude. How do YOU feel when you have to go "give an estimate?" Not great? Then you're in good company! Most cleaning and restoration contractors would much rather DO the work than SELL the work. Here's why…

For many of us, performing a Pre-inspection is like acting in a strange stage play without a script! So, we flounder. After all, selling a total stranger on why they should trust you (also a total stranger) to work in the "inner sanctum" of their home is a high-pressure situation! (And even more so if you really need the cash flow!)

But wait! Help is on the way! In this ongoing series, I'll share the "props" (tools) and a "script" (my step-by-step Pre-inspection outline) to let you star with this very challenging "audience"! (Any residential customer.) So, suck it up and get ready to become a "Star on the Home Front!"

About the Author

Steve Toburen is the director of Jon-Don's Strategies for Success program. Steve spent over 20 years "down in the trenches" of the cleaning industry as the owner of different janitorial, carpet cleaning, and restoration firms. His cleaning and restoration company grew into a nationally recognized operation based on its high per-capita profits in a very small market base.

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